
The Empowerment Group, has a goal to empower each person we serve to make the most effective changes for themselves in life. We believe that working in synergy with others builds each persons personal power, motivation and momentum. We are currently developing several groups that will offer quality psycho education and support. Our newest group that we are offering are listed below.

July 2024 Groups

July 15, 2024 

Emotional Abuse Recovery Group

This is a weekly group, that is currently held online from 6pm- 7:15pm. 

Psycho-education will be provided with each group followed by group processing. We are able to accept PPO insurances and private pay rate is 60.00 per session. 

We do accept most insurances. 

Please call us at 602-821-3836 or email to sign up for this group or get on future group lists.

We look forward to supporting your journey of healing and growth.

New Groups will be forming, please feel free to contact us with your desire to be part of a small group.

#emotionalabuserecovery #narcissistabuserecovery #betrayaltrauamarecovery #grouptherapy #85044 #85282

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Helpful Forms

Click here to view and print forms for your appointment.

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Phoenix, AZ Therapy

The Empowerment Group, LLC

10201 South 51st Street, Suite 130
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Phone  602-821-3836  Fax 602-651-1244